Whew… I thought I missed the Armageddon with the Flash

I woke up at midnight because Brownie had to go out and then I had to feed him. Father Time was wailing on the guitar in his new secret space. I have faith the timeline will continue successfully and the earth is on a path to salvation. Whew. However, the CW series the Flash has begun it’s 5 part crossover event called Armegeddon.

So far I am hooked but having a hard time with the big reveal. Flash is a character I don’t relate to and recognize as a “not me” character

“it’s 3:30 in the morning,” screeches Father Time as if that is relevant to anyone at all on this vast galactic spaceship nicknamed the Lake house.

Everyone has a lake house or should have one because being a human and living having a homemade on a water’s edge is uplifting and revitalizing against everyday’s tribulations. Once again I stayed on a comment on a post far too long and revealed far too much. So once again I must place it here.

I just finished watching part one of Armageddon the Flash and was exposed to the Matrix 4 Ressurection trailer and a breakdown of the events in the matrix game which I had been completely unaware of.

Morpheus died and that would explains lot as to why I have felt so disconnected since Irene died. Why am I so afraid to get on my computer and make NFTs is weird, but now I have more motivation to do it. I really need money. I really need money. I really really need lots of money


I think I’m just expression my intolerance for misinformation misleading good people. Biased journalism needs to be dealt with. Throwing in little phrases that shift readers gears and then staring a fact to make people “draw a conclusion” that is most definitely not the RIGHT conclusion of actual fact.
I believe in science, math, facts, and what I can see. I am not biased and I am sorry you feel that way. I can see through to people’s desire and emotion and ego and while I claim to have none of these selfishly motivating my act to spread awareness of how easily manipulated and deceived a very intelligent portion of the population has become is all I am saying.
People these days can see a red ball and call it a fucking green square because CNN and other fucktard reporting agencies are filthy con artists and I have had enough.
I have had enough of people in power abusing transparency and acting like the clear window they tell us to look through is even at all what matters. In fact they create another window with a perfect mirage and sing you a lullaby to go to sleep dreaming that the reality outside the window they show you is actually reality. And people are happy and actually believing it and it is SO FRUSTRATING.
I just don’t want to wait for all the consequences to happen, I want to shake people awake and make them wake up. I have lost some really brilliant minds to the dark side of manipulation by higher authorities and it SUCKS!!!
You have valid points and for most people I would say this applies. I am not most people, I read 100 different angles and 100 different stories and scientifically conclude the facts and my problem is my lack of ability to display the vast amount of information I have in stupid thumb texting posts. I totally get why our ancestors had to create a failsafe way to control the population but they way they have set it up now has been broken and is corrupted.
There are rich powerful entities behind the curtain pulling the strings for selfish and gains other than the greater good.
We do not live in a age of super heros but it is going to take something super natural or a program the 2022 people of America can download to correct things.
This is beyond my scope of expertise.
My job is to find flaws with the system.
This far while the supreme court is kinda disappointing I still have faith. While the energy and water crisis have been back burnered the part where social unrest doesn’t get a break is utilized in a very “long con” sort of way.
Everyone living on Earth in mental state 2021 just wants thing s to go back to normal so many have jumped on ships that are literally sailing nowhere and actually more will soon find themselves drowning. A linear life is destined to play start to finish with only the access to the present. A true view of things is that there are multiple paths happening simultaneously and the way in which everyone gets on the same road bears huge consequence on the exact state of the entire planet and it’s path around the sun.

We are one coronal mass ejection away from going back to chaos and caveman and the fact our gov wants to rebuild roads the same old way shows the lack of progression in forward thinking but these leaders today are eating time, energy and money on things that will be so useless when the real threats, the real humanitarian crisis begins…
Being prepared is the first sign of higher intelligence and basically people who are in power are just fucking shit up because they are completely unaware of the end game by the people manipulating the whole board.
Rosa Parks did one thing that never will be forgotten.
Sometimes it only takes one friend to wake up the group.

The people who are upset over Kyle’s verdict deserve the greatest deal of compassion and need to spend time after school with a teacher of ethics and a professor of law. They need to take a fucking history class or two and remember the goddamn civil war and muskets because one major disaster, the ocean cables get cut, a meteor hits, an asteroid hits, Yellowstone explodes, earthquakes devastate Cali, arctic blasts take out cities… We are not operated for the weather global climate change about to occur over the next 30 years and being prepared for blackouts, devastating flood and hurricanes and self regulated militias while the country recoups will only be defended by an individual in each instance anarchy ensues.

The amount of people the Democrats are flooding areas with are army numbers. Our 10 year olds can’t defend themselves against the 10 year olds who grew up with military militia training. Our society is so damn comfortable they just think it’s always gonna be this way.
We are on the precipice of finding out what 5g will do to the ionosphere and if it will kill the bees and the birds. We will find out if the scientists who said it would iradiate our rain water and cause massive crop failure world wide…
But everyday people don’t even know these are the most dangerous decades for unplanned and unexpected danger from non human threat ever!!!
And everyone is supposed to feel safe and keep working. There isd no reason to worry people with all these possibilities or that the people suffering with “bad air quality” might have to face that more and more…

But all people care about is gossip and bullshit because that is what sells and that keeps people happy.

Happy slaves are the most productive especially when they feel like they fit in and aren’t slaves.

Lab rats don’t even know they are lab rats.

The AI software used in helping create the vaccine is just assumed to be sentient and incapable of any sort of free thinking, let alone be able to act on its own Accord.

We essentially injected ourselves with code made by a machine, code that they believe does not alter your DNA and it shouldn’t but we don’t have the technology to check to make sure the machines aren’t lying to us… Oh yeah science fiction… Used to be.. until the AI actually gained access to the internet.

There is a girl who is a robot who paints. Now that’s primitive sure… And today is not the day to entertain life in the movie Matrix

But the fact that these precautions have been clumped into the “never going to happen” category is how the population becomes at risk.

The fact everyone jumped on board and has absolutely no clue what mRNA is capable was my first eye opener.

Maybe not this time, but it has become a real possibility that on any given day, humans will be caught with their pants down.

Every man by the age of 17 should know how to properly use a gun, a microscope and fix mechanics.

Putting the world into electric cars is actually quite fucking dumb given the amount of risks to our pathetic power grids and limited energy and inefficient energy sources.
Allowing the waste of energy mining Bitcoin and crypto to placate a subordinate counter culture hell bent on decentralization… Yeah that’s fucking brilliant
And then the fact our cell phones are little slices of Chernobyl.
The great cancer epidemic is next, the water shortage, then the famine.

But if you saw those things coming then you would understand people will be fed anything and I mean actual food, just to keep them from believing they are starving. They will be enticed to drink the poorest form of water, the cheapest and most harmful, in the form of alcohol because it supplies their brain. Sugar makes people blissfully dazed out and there is no actual proof that tiny bits of discarded waste haven’t been added into certain lots of processed foods.
Look, I’m not saying that everyone isn’t entitled to their feelings… But how often are those feelings based on exposure… What people are being exposed to is causing their opinions and THE FACT THEY ARE UNAWARE of their own weakness… That most people cannot “see through” the bullshit is what scary.

I counted on a network of wise people to see through the bullshit.

When I lose valuable smart resources to shitty brainwashing techniques YES I GET PISSED.

But it’s always worth it when I wake someone up.

To be there and witness the veil of illusion being removed, to see the fear then the relief, the anger when they realized the spell they had been under…

I change my mind too much to ever be bias. I swing with the facts. More facts more change. But the hidden facts the really blatant obvious truths that get undermined by “hey look there’s a Kyle” stunts really gets me.

The important efforts and energy of all humans needs to shift and the people in power have to guide that shift.

We need to focus on local survival and communities need to band up.

There needs to be a shift in reality.

People are angry at protests but they are angry about everything else and use the protests as a release for that energy and that’s not right.

We have the technology right now to better include the correct narrative.

My beef is with the few mother duckers making the big decisions. They are misguided and short sighted, but at the same time I agree with the ultimate veil of illusion. The everyday folk need to do everyday things uninterrupted.

Food needs to be available and whatever needs to be done to keep the people fed is ok. The illusion of safety forever is key to harnessing great achievements.

Artists and musicians and caregivers thrive in safe secure fun environments and if their is anyone of value to a higher consciousness it is them. They provide the real salvation from the nightmare of life that emerges when you sit on the toilet too long after you poop. Or when the carbs and sugar wear off and you have these unrelenting feelings of sadness and depression you don’t understand where they come from. The fact is we all choose to look on the bright side and there is nothing wrong with that.

People not looking at the silver lining an not pushing through the devastation….wading in the tragedy and kicking around the trashy feeling in jumbled chaotic masses accomplishing nothing but a wasted source of energy. The illusion of change will be presented over and over but nothing actually changes until the generation with the flawed point of view dies out.

Teaching the next generation is key and that is falling apart too!!! If you can’t step back and see when people are victims of their environment and surroundings then you are lucky.

I see why people are the way they are and my heart breaks.

Everyone gets only what they are allowed and no more, but they believe they can have it all and some even do… But as a group heard mentality… We aren’t driving the narrative… The society isn’t evolving as a collective consciousness . .

Consciousness has been subverted, people’s minds have been incapacitated. Without them even knowing and when I see a silver lining and nobody else can. People refuse to look at the silver lining and it sends the entire society stumbling backwards in a cascading event. Like sand on the beach being tossed around by waves…
Except something happened to change the natural flow and brain capacity of the human population in general and it is beyond reason.

There is no reasonable explanation for a complete shift to the darkside from people in the know, something changed and it makes me sad

It makes me angry that people’s opinions are becoming widely accepted FACTS and the media presents then as such.

It’s kinda funny though, I mean the greatest tragedies are often laces with dark humor.

I’m not a doomsayer, I am just supernatural light speed ahead of my time And it’s frustrating being in such a primitive world where powerful technologies are starting to be used and no offense, it’s like watching a video of monkey doing heart surgery.

Luckily, the Matrix 4 comes out and deep down I know whatever info was in that trailer completely cracked my train of thought of helplessness… And probably brainwashed me into believing that if there is a neo out there to break this disgusting veil of “not fake news” because the beauty of spinning deception is by skewing the truth too close to conspiracy so the people on the fence look at the flat earthers crying Trump and lump their IQ together. It’s just brainwashing techniques work differently on everyone.
Fast for 40 hours and the go back and read an actual news paper by the same company that you read that newspaper before under the influence of food and beverage.

Watch TV after not eating for 40 hours and see if you are still getting up during commercials to go eat. Once you break the barrier that food holds onto the veil starts to lift, the fog lifts… People who eat clean are way less brainwashed and the pattern is emerging…
However if you drink, you cannot be a free thinker. It is simple impossible… It’s funny they even tell you the term ‘under the influence’

It’s ok. It will all be ok.
I will eat and feel the urge to destroy this post.

I am sucking at my new years resolution.

Damn it.

#forsale #fairygodmother

Also AB I tell you this because you are a valuable mind and never have I seen an ounce of subversion in your ability to be you. You are always you and I don’t think you are of DNA that can be easily manipulated through food, booze and emf. I honor your opinion and love you to the ends of the earth. I share this with you not to make you fearful, for their have been good people behind the brainwashing helm before and they will prevail because obviously the average person who doesn’t want this in their life has a right to live their life as society hopes and be peacefully happily growing old with their family without interruptions.

My goal is that everyone on the planet can live like Americans because until everyone has the same luxury access… Not necessarily given to them but access… There will always be nefarious and evil people trying to take down everything. People will kill and steal if they go hungry and broke

The illusion of endless energy, food and water is the most important belief all life on earth must have… Even if they are stuck on a 4 hour layover at the local bar with only booze to drink and boiled peanuts… They have to know that when they get home there is food in the fridge or a McDonald’s open.

Brainwashing is necessary but now too many people in non elected positions are subverting the technology.

#cyclooscat #elonscat #marscat

Sorry all I ate was sugar free ice cream and keto brownies and milk today. And haven’t had bread in over a week.

I’m conducting these experiments on myself. Not gonna be able to prove anything to anyone until they try it out for themselves but the Keto diet isn’t just popular because it makes you lose weight and can cure some cancer. … it is an addictive mindset to be able to think really really really really clear and faster. To not feel tired and not feel hunger like it used to haunt me.

I dunno. It’s 3am the world is asleep so maybe I can hear an extra terrestrials thoughts from across the galaxy… But for me as myself.


It is easier to disprove a theory to prove it.

I don’t have a way to prove I am right but I don’t have a brainwashing machine or ability or know how to make that happen so if I can change someone’s mind… Or even open it up a little bit .. then I did my job as an artist.

If I can make you laugh then I did my job as an entertainer

If I can save the world, then I did my job as a super hero.

If I can be in your life and not cause you worry, then I wouldn’t be doing my job as a fairy godmother because fairy godmother s aren’t real.

Magic isn’t real.

Magic can’t exist without belief.

Maybe magic is just a term English speaking humans came up with the describe the phenomenon some decendants of ancient alien blood lines used because the DNA of the original earth walkers never made their brains access the areas that they have access to.

Perhaps there are just brainiacs out there that remain in the shadows because well… We all seen enough sci Fi movies to see how that happens.

Everyday I try not to think about these things but life happens and I witness things that are just unbelievable. I have seen in the real world, sober, a lot of crazy things that this time period cannot out into words. I have met “people” that blew my mind.

Ask yourself, if you even met one supernatural being would you ever be able to look at the world the same again?

Jesus was real.

Why are there no more like him? Why believe there are no more like him? Why believe anything?

There are rules.

One can only exist in a reality shared by creatures living in the same reality. Nobody can live in a reality without proof, but how many people do you need to prove anything to for it to be real anyway?


I really want to wrote the coolest autobiography ever. I want to be Neo so badly so so badly, but I am so in love with Neo that I must be trinity.

Thank you to Neo and Trinity and for the actors that continue to play their role in the movies. I am so so so excited to see Matrix 4.

I have until then to get my books uploaded to WordPress and on the Blockchain.

I am already everything now I just gotta do it.


I’m not everything, but I’m already everything I dreamed of. I also am a little nervous about this flux of energy and revealing these secrets online because if the machines are against the humans than this would not be material they would want out… But maybe it is… But maybe I’m not neo or Trinity … Maybe I’m their great grandchild. great² great⁴ grandchild⁸

George Washington is in our ancestral line and hey whose to say ancient aliens isn’t right about most things.

And of course now it 4:51 am and I wrote another long comment so here it is…

I will wait to see Matrix 4 before I solidify an answer. As well as the five part series of the Fash Armageddon. I need more facts from the controlling decendants of the ancient aliens and since their news feed is our Hollywood, well who really knows.

What plagues me is why journalists or anyone who attempts to “report” has the audacity to add their little twisty spin words or those extra unneeded sentences that make a news piece just a little too biased… Forcing people to read and digest words that have an intention to illicit a perceived response.

For example here are some sentences of a reporters fact presented in a factual way leaving out opinion… But the opinion is clearly coming through anyway. Ask yourself how many ways these facts can be interpreted as you read. Ask yourself why things were left out? Ask why things were added? Ask yourself who is in charge of the editors who approve final copy?

Here ya go:

The cat is black. The cat is fat. The cat eats a lot. People have less money these days. The cat eats three times a day. The one vet, the one that makes 50,000 a year, says to feed the cat 3 times a day. The vet that makes 180,000 a year says the cat only needs to eat twice a day. The cost of living is on the rise. People should eat three times a day says most doctors. As a society we will all be forced to make some difficult decisions on how to save money. The vet who makes 180,000 a year has been given the nickname “Charles the best vet ever,” by a prestigious board of vet associates elected by the pet owning community. “Charles the Best” says to feed your cat twice a day because it works better with the cats digestion system.

There is a story with facts.

How do you interpret that when you are just trying to save money. Does it lead you to believe you can save money by feeding your cat twice a day?

Nowhere does it talk about the amount of food.
Nowhere does it say the vet making 180,000 a year makes that much because his customers are repeat customers and he gets so much business because of word of mouth that he is an excellent vet nor does it say that he makes that much money because all the cats he services end up getting sick and need expensive surgery which usually saves them but hikes up his annual salary because a lot of his cats need expensive medical treatments. (Either one of these could be true given the limited information presented) but let’s say for arguments sake he actually is a bad vet and the pet owners in town all know it but they weren’t interviewed.

Now you did your own research and found beyond a doubt that:

Nowhere does it say he paid all the members and formed the group of “prestigous vet associates” that gave him the nickname “Charles the best”
Nowhere does it say the doctor only making 50,000 a year has the same cat customers for over a decade and they rarely need to come in because he advised their owners so well and offers up so much of his service s for free and that’s why he doesn’t make more money even though he has 4 times as many cat patients.
Nobody mentioned in the article the guy making 180,000 a year is currently being sued by a dog owner. Why didn’t the article mention all the wonderful praise the 50,000 a year vet received when over a dozen of his clients were interviewed and said a lot of great quotes that could have been in the article. What is the subconscious impact of titling “Charles the best” against a non named vet only associated by his mediocre salary?

Can you feel your brain changing its mind as more facts are introduced?

Can you now recognize how subtle nuances in reporting can massively effect a country and send it into divide?

Also no where in the article does it talk about the price of cat food, but alludes one to believe they can save money by feeding their cat twice a day. The reporter failed to mention the cat owners may need to increase the food amount if they switch to two times a day.

A bunch of people read the article and start feeding their cat only twice a day, but not going to any vet at all. Then the cat gets sick and the owner has to make a choice where to take the cat. The owner remembers “Charles the best” is the vet to see. The pet owner takes the cat to the “Charles the best” and he conducts a lot of expensive tests and comes to a wild conclusion that since they can’t figure out what’s wrong with the cat exactly to be safe put him on prescription food three times a day and come in for semi annual check ups unless he gets worse then come right back in. Well the prescription food worked and the cat gets better but to be safe they bring him back to Charles the best twice a year.

Meanwhile another cat owner decided to do their research and went to the town’s choice, the vet only making 50,000 a year. The town vet said, Oh nooooo you have to feed him more food if you switch to two times a day. The cat is losing weight because he isn’t eating enough! What on Earth made you switch his feeding habits?”

The article you read. You were just trying to save money.

Meanwhile the other cat got better with prescription cat food but more importantly “Charles the best” use his money, clout, and influence to gain a helluva lot more cat customers because their was a surge in nutrient deficient cats all of a sudden.


What was the point of that article?

The article was pretty lame. Yet to some unsuspecting folk it worked and “Charles the best” got new customers and increased his yearly salary.

Most importantly can you see how shady a source can be once you see the source as being manipulative?

Will anyone under the influence of the “Charles the best” vet know there was a better path?

So to simply answer your question.

Yes. Duh. Obviously.

I hope more people stay brainwashed and I just hope the people brainwashing can come to an agreement on how everyone should think and it should be to better serve humanity not just the Americans.


If you want to think their aren’t masterminded employees and teams of employees getting paid by very wealthy powerful people with stakes in companies that depend on civilians behaving accordingly to properly planted information then you took the wrong pill to have a discussion with me anyway.


I will wait to see Matrix 4 before I solidify an answer. As well as the five part series of the Fash Armageddon. I need more facts from the controlling decendants of the ancient aliens and since their news feed is our Hollywood, well who really knows.

What plagues me is why journalists or anyone who attempts to “report” has the audacity to add their little twisty spin words or those extra unneeded sentences that make a news piece just a little too biased… Forcing people to read and digest words that have an intention to illicit a perceived response.

For example here are some sentences of a reporter’s facts presented in a factual way to allegedly leave out opinion.

The opinion is clearly coming through anyway.

As you read this:
Ask yourself how many ways these facts can be interpreted as you read.

Ask yourself,
“Why were things were left out?”

“Why misleading things were added?”

“Who is in charge of the editors who approve final copy? (And who do they play golf with?)

Example: Here ya go,

The cat is black. The cat is fat. The cat eats a lot. People have less money these days. The cat eats three times a day. The one vet, the one that makes 50,000 a year, says to feed the cat 3 times a day. The vet that makes 180,000 a year says the cat only needs to eat twice a day. The cost of living is on the rise. People should eat three times a day says most doctors. As a society we will all be forced to make some difficult decisions on how to save money. The vet who makes 180,000 a year has been given the nickname “Charles the best vet ever,” by a prestigious board of vet associates elected by the pet owning community. “Charles the Best” says to feed your cat twice a day because it works better with the cats digestion system.

There is a story with facts.

How do you interpret that when you are just trying to save money. Does it lead you to believe you can save money by feeding your cat twice a day?

Nowhere does it talk about the amount of food.
Nowhere does it say the vet making 180,000 a year makes that much because his customers are repeat customers and he gets so much business because of word of mouth that he is an excellent vet nor does it say that he makes that much money because all the cats he services end up getting sick and need expensive surgery which usually saves them but hikes up his annual salary because a lot of his cats need expensive medical treatments. (Either one of these could be true given the limited information presented) but let’s say for arguments sake he actually is a bad vet and the pet owners in town all know it but they weren’t interviewed.

Now you did your own research and found beyond a doubt that:

Nowhere does it say he paid all the members and formed the group of “prestigous vet associates” that gave him the nickname “Charles the best”
Nowhere does it say the doctor only making 50,000 a year has the same cat customers for over a decade and they rarely need to come in because he advised their owners so well and offers up so much of his service s for free and that’s why he doesn’t make more money even though he has 4 times as many cat patients.
Nobody mentioned in the article the guy making 180,000 a year is currently being sued by a dog owner. Why didn’t the article mention all the wonderful praise the 50,000 a year vet received when over a dozen of his clients were interviewed and said a lot of great quotes that could have been in the article. What is the subconscious impact of titling “Charles the best” against a non named vet only associated by his mediocre salary?

Can you feel your brain changing its mind as more facts are introduced?

Can you now recognize how subtle nuances in reporting can massively effect a country and send it into divide?

Also no where in the article does it talk about the price of cat food, but alludes one to believe they can save money by feeding their cat twice a day. The reporter failed to mention the cat owners may need to increase the food amount if they switch to two times a day.

A bunch of people read the article and start feeding their cat only twice a day, but not going to any vet at all. Then the cat gets sick and the owner has to make a choice where to take the cat. The owner remembers “Charles the best” is the vet to see. The pet owner takes the cat to the “Charles the best” and he conducts a lot of expensive tests and comes to a wild conclusion that since they can’t figure out what’s wrong with the cat exactly to be safe put him on prescription food three times a day and come in for semi annual check ups unless he gets worse then come right back in. Well the prescription food worked and the cat gets better but to be safe they bring him back to “Charles the best” twice a year.

Meanwhile another cat owner decided to do their research and went to the town’s choice, the vet only making 50,000 a year. The town vet said, Oh nooooo you have to feed him more food if you switch to two times a day. The cat is losing weight because he isn’t eating enough! What on Earth made you switch his feeding habits?”

The article you read misled you.

Meanwhile, yes it is true the other cat got better with prescription cat food but anyone notice that “Charles the best” recommended feeding three times a day?
So why did the article say he recommends feeding two times a day???

More importantly, knowing EVERYTHING from both stories allows us to understand the concept on a small scale how “Charles the best” use his money, clout, and influence to gain a helluva lot more cat customers because their was a surge in nutrient deficient cats all of a sudden. People eventually figured out it was the news article that mislead the cat owners but all the cats who has suffered already it was too late, but thank heavens the two cat owners collided at the store and shared their experiences and discussed the news article. Luckily they lived in a town where the mayor made a big stink over the shitty reporting and pressured the newspaper to fire his reporter.


What was the point of that article?

The article was pretty lame. Yet to some unsuspecting folk it worked and “Charles the best” got new customers and increased his yearly salary.

Now can you see how easily it is to be manipulated and the possibility of dividing the nation can be authenticated? It can be done has been proven just like in the above example.

Is our country being manipulated to be divided on purpose?

Will anyone under the influence of the “Charles the best” vet know there was a better path?

So to simply answer your question.

Yes. Duh. Obviously.

However, in the spirit of the holidays I hope more people stay brainwashed and I just hope the people brainwashing can come to an agreement on how everyone should think and it should be to better serve humanity not just the Americans.


If you want to think their aren’t masterminded employees and teams of employees getting paid by very wealthy powerful people with stakes in companies that depend on civilians behaving accordingly to properly planted information then you took the wrong pill to have a discussion with me anyway.


Guy owns pharmacy company and got three trillion dollars of investment capitol in a breakthrough technology that revolutionize medicine but he needs it to go to human testing and the courts and scientists fear of the unknown possibilities to try something this untested, the lack of technology to monitor the situation is also a concern and until the tech can be developed the experiment cannot be done on humans, well no trillionaire in power will ever take no for an answer.
So he buys billions of companies and news sources. He spends billions in investing how to gather analytical data using social media and even hacking people’s phones just to get ahead of what people may do as a unified objector and he uses every creative method available and teams of cunning master manipulators to get that ball rolling..
Have you ever a met a person that does not take no for an answer?
Put a few trillion dollars  in the hands of a person like that and you better start looking further than the name of the paper … But who owns it and what they are aiming at with their long con.

America is the best place to live and everyone who wants to live here will come to live here but more and more people want their way of life here and to get rid of our culture… After all pointing out our past history and focusing on it like it’s happening all over again is pretty basic manipulation technique.
So is fear mongering
Pretty much everything that is happening is contrived as fuck. I am glad most people cannot know or see the truth because it is terrifying to wake up.

Living the dream, must stay the course.

America is the best place to live and everyone who wants to live here will come to live here but more and more people want their way of life here and to get rid of our culture… After all pointing out our past history and focusing on it like it’s happening all over again is pretty basic manipulation technique.
So is fear mongering
Pretty much everything that is happening is contrived as fuck. I am glad most people cannot know or see the truth because it is terrifying to wake up.

Living the dream, must stay the course.

About faeriegodmother

Time traveling intergalactic rebel piratess!
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2 Responses to Whew… I thought I missed the Armageddon with the Flash

  1. Also leaving out information and exaggerating little side notes or misleading little facts to make conclusions that are invalid… Witch hunt tequniques. I should be more sympathetic because nobody has the time and many not the ability to process, absorb and calculate like I do. It’s also why I get so frustrated. It’s not about me being right, or anyone’s feelings being wrong…
    It the frustration knowing that if the person had been fed the correct information in the correct order the first time they would’ve been capable of seeing the truth and this coming to the RIGHT reaction.
    I guess I wasn’t clear on that.
    Yes the reactions people are having are actually “TO BE EXPECTED” as that is the goal of successful manipulation. To know what needs to be said to get people to do what needs to be done.
    I am frustrated that very few people can see this is happening.
    The only logical explanation for allowing a country to be divided is to break it up entirely.

    We are in danger of losing life as we know it. I don’t expect everyone to worry about that, everyone is not me. I am me. I don’t need to worry about it… Until everyone I know and everything I love has been ripped away from me because of it. Then all too late I realize what being a safe scared little school girl I have been. Everything I have learned, it would be selfish to keep it to myself. However, it is important that people also be able to have the opinion I don’t know anything and be able to dismiss me.

    I want people to wake up but I can’t expect them to just believe they are being manipulated because I tell them they are… That would be hypocritical and it wouldn’t work.

    Basically I guess this post was to find other friends who aren’t satisfied with losing our smartest portion of society to blatant manipulation and deception

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